Oriental Trading Company, Inc. Mike & Robbie Rice Oriental Trading Company, Inc.
Hawaiian Luau Themed Wedding & Reception
Wedding Date

Decorations & Tableware
Most items Purchased from Oriental Trading Company
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Tables decorated for Hawaiian Luau Wedding Reception
Tables set up for the reception.
Gift table and punch table at luau reception
Gift table and punch table.
  Aloha Signicon Limbo Gameicon Giant Inflatable Palm Treeicon Inflatable Beach Ballsicon Along the street, to let people know they had
the right spot, we displayed Aloha Signsicon.
Upon entering, guests caught a glimpse of the
Limbo Gameicon and Giant Inflatable Palm Treesicon.
Instead of balloons, colorful Inflatable Beach Ballsicon
were scattered throughout the room.
To add a little life to things, as decorations on the
punch table, we had assorted instruments, such as Coconut
Ukulelesicon and a Bamboo Xylophone. The real Conch Shell Horn
was blown by a family member to get the attention of guests
before the wedding ceremony when it was time to be seated.
  Coconut Ukulelesicon Bamboo Xylophone Conch Horn
  Leisicon Raffia Hula Skirtsicon  As each guest walked in the door, our "flower girls" placed a leiicon over their heads.
Raffia Hula Skirtsicon for kids and adults were a must, and many of the guests took
advantage and completed their costumes.
For the tables, a Beachcomber Haticon was the
centerpiece and Tropical Maracasicon were on
either side for color and sound. Two
Fish Bowls filled with Aloha Butter Mints
 were on each table for the guests to share.
  Beachcomber Haticon Tropical Maracasicon Fish Bowls Aloha Butter Mintsicon
  Yellow Party Tablewareicon Dark Blue Party Tableware icon Green Party Tablewareicon Light Blue Party Tablewareicon Purple Party Tablewareicon For each place setting, we wrapped
silverware, alternating colors. For
example, a light blueicon fork, greenicon spoon,
and  yellowicon knife in a purpleicon napkin,
placed on a dark blueicon plate.
With all the matching Hibiscus
tableware, I couldn't resist ordering it all!
The tableclothsicon, cupsicon, drink umbrellasicon,
strawsicon, and toothpicks all had a
coordinating tropical flower pattern.
  Hibiscus Tableclothicon Hibiscus Cupsicon HIBISCUS COCKTAIL PARASOLSicon Hibiscus Strawsicon Tropical Toothpicks
  SEASHELL BOWLicon Hibiscus Cupsicon PALM TREE STEM GLASSESicon I thought the large Seashell Bowlicon was awesome! I got 2 of them as
punch bowls to sit side by side so it would appear to be a whole shell,
opened. In the same Hibiscus print as above, I ordered handled punch
and coffee cupsicon. For the wedding party during the toast, I thought the
Palm Tree Gobletsicon would be perfect.
To dress up the tables for the cake, punch, DJ, gifts,
and buffet, we have loose Silk Hibiscus Petalsicon. The
tables were skirted with Raffia Hula Table Skirtsicon and
finished off with Giant Lei Garlandicon. For the kitchen,
we used Raffia Door Curtainsicon to hide our dishes.
Girls playing with beach balls at reception
(Not knowing which of our guests don't want their picture appearing
on the internet, all of their faces have been covered)
 Oriental Trading Company, Inc.
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